PRIAMUS FILLCONTROL: A system for all occasions
9/12/2012 |
The daily problems in injection molding are diverse and range from process optimizing, monitoring and switch controls up to the control of hotrunners and the molding machine itself.
Ultimately, it is a matter of achieving the required quality as efficient and cost-efficient as possible.
For this reason PRIAMUS has decided not to provide one single system for all these purposes, but a whole range of modular components which ideally complement each other.
- The free of charge FILLCONTROL Measure module for the simple optimizing and documenting of the injection molding process
- The FILLCONTROL Monitor module as a basis for professional process monitoring
- The FILLCONTROL Switch module for the intelligent control of switching operations
- The FILLCONTROL Control-H module for the balancing and control of hotrunners and finally
- The FILLCONTROL Control-M module for the control of the machine parameters based on
viscosity, shrinkage and compression
Together with the digital BlueLine measuring amplifiers and interfaces FILLCONTROL provides a number of well-thought-out and very easy to use solutions for the monitoring, the switch control and the process control of the injection molding process. |