Thermo Fisher Scientific Launches Integrated Capillary High-Pressure Ion Chromatography System
3/29/2012 |
Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-4000 HPIC System Offers High Performance for Routine Analyses
ORLANDO - Pittcon 2012 - (March 12, 2012) - Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., the world leader in serving science, today announced the Thermo Scientific Dionex ICS-4000, the world's first commercially available integrated capillary high-pressure ion chromatography (HPIC™) system, incorporating multiple detector options in one instrument. The new system is ideal for demanding 24/7 routine analyses, offering speed without compromising resolution in a compact, integrated instrument.
The sleek Dionex ICS-4000 capillary HPIC system conserves laboratory space, simplifies operation and enhances overall system performance. To maximize the compound information obtained in a single run, it integrates conductivity (CD), electrochemical (ED) and the new Thermo Scientific Dionex QD charge detectors.
The Dionex QD is a revolutionary new detector that offers enhanced sensitivity and linearity for weakly dissociated ions such as organic acids, amines and silicate - all compounds that are not easily detected using conductivity detection alone. In combination with suppressed conductivity detection, the Dionex QD offers peak purity information and peak identification.
"The Dionex ICS-4000 capillary HPIC system offers new levels of chromatographic speed, without compromising resolution, and 24/7 uptime," said John Plohetski, vice president and general manager, IC/SP, Thermo Fisher. "With multiple detection choices available in an easy-to-use, dedicated system and a small footprint, it is the perfect choice for routine analyses in key industries such as environmental, food and beverage, pharmaceutical and biopharma."
By requiring no start-up time, no equilibration and minimal calibration, the Dionex ICS-4000 is always ready for analysis. It is a Reagent-Free™ (RFIC™) system that uses deionized water to electrolytically generate high purity eluents. Designed to save time, labor and operating costs, capillary RFIC systems offer 24/7 instrument operation, eliminate errors associated with manual eluent preparation and consume remarkably little water - only 5.25 L per year.
The Dionex ICS-4000 offers full Thermo Scientific Dionex Chromeleon chromatography software to streamline a laboratory's path from samples to results. |